Little Black Dresses. I have a strong desire for them. Here are two new ones I purchased lately ♥
♥From the Night by Suiteblanco collection, bought second hand. I love its open back and the folds in the skirt part! Goes perfectly with my bordello's. On the tv in the background I was playing Godsmack songs. My top three: Voodoo
, I stand alone
and Awake

♥This is not really an LBD, although I'm wearing one. This is my newly purchased diary / agenda for the coming school year. It's from Dolce Luna, mostly famous for their jewelry. This agenda is so exuberantly decorated with cute little pieces of lace and delicate cameos. Every week has a line of wisdom, such as "What will you do today, that will make you proud in a year?" ♥
♥This Little Cuty Black Dress is from Donna Li, the fall off shoulders of lace made me fall in love with it. Purchased on a day of shopping (Ici Paris XL work training) in Utrecht. Shoes are from V&D (purchased as 'work shoes') and the tights are from Tally Weijl. ♥
The plant and the chair in the last pictures have a special story. They are both found on the street. The plant was orphaned about 4 years ago. It was on the street, half dead. Someone had obviously given up on it and put it outside to throw away. I took it home and cut all the dead leaves, replanted it in a more comfy pot and in the following months it had grown massively. Now it still shows the pain from being abandoned, but it lives. I think it is happy.
As for the chair, this fairy tale story happened about two years ago, when I was heading for some lecture. I saw this chair outside, in front of an internet cafe. The weather was grey and lightly rainy (can you imagine how chairs must hate that weather!). I parked my bike and went inside the cafe and asked why the chair was outside, the dude looked at me uninterestedly and said the neighbor man puts his crap outside sometimes, for the cafe to take if they like (there was also a crappy leather couch outside), but they didn't want it. So I took it on the back of my bike home. I cleaned it thoroughly and discovered there was a price tag on it of € 120!! I guess the neighbor had a small antique shop? After all the chair got a lovely home with me and is now used as my computer chair.