Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I decide just how high and then I let her fall

But my Dolly wants something I can’t give her
She wants life, she wants to feel...

Suffer and bleed, laugh and cry If I give her life she’ll have to die.
(XP8 - Muv your dolly)

Call me miss officer when I wear my new cap! (military shop)

The cap is a post-war east-german NVA cap. I bought it in the military shop for €10.00 only! It is unused, but it is a tiny size, so the shop keepers were happy and jealous I fitted it. This will so be the perfect accessory for a military bitch look I want to build for one of the fetish parties upcomming. Which reminds me, Dominatrix is soon! Anyone going?

A new dress with a city skyline that I bought with my mom last week. She bought the same one and it looks great on both of us. I hardly ever wear something with so many colors, but I think it looks good. (Bertus)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Killer snowman

Last morning snow again. Not much, but just enough to have inspired us to go out for a nice Sunday morning walk. We explored the village a little more in southern direction from our house. Never been that way, even though we live here for 2 months now. The white snow was so bright it made my eyes tear, but the world was so pretty! Bf made a super cute tiny snowman, awww!<3

He is about 10 cm high? But you can imagine him to be 2 meter tall and super fierce if you like.

Me in the  snow, wearing my striped pants for the first time (Tripp). The coat is all fluffy inside (H&M)!

After coming home; tea. In my cutest tea can and the un-matching cups (all second hand and vintage). The table cloth is vintage and the fragrance sticks are of fragrance Sweet Musk.

This was Sunday.

Saturday I worked, but Friday I was at my moms for her birthday (HBD MOM!!). I offered her a a set of small and large plates and two matching pots (see pic below) with a sauce-dish and some salad plates. The set has flowers that have very bright yellow, orange and blue coloring. My mom fell in love with this set when she saw it and I bought it for her. I also offered her an oil-burner, one you use to put rose oil in to make your house smell nice. Instead of oil I like to use wax-tablets with a fragrance, so I bought her some sets to go with the burner as well; Geranium, Rose, Chocolate, Jasmin and Wild Berries. I am so going to buy the chocolate ones for myself too as soon as the shop opens in an hour!

Dishes I offered my mom for her birthday (vintage) to match the napkins she values so much (iittala)

Lovely cake mom made. Nom nom nom!

My mom is a star in baking cakes. This heavy chocolate cake had a sugar-butter filling that made it perfect. "The strawberries are for the vitamins" says mom.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I'm late! I'm late! No time to say "Hello, Goodbye". I'm late, I'mlate, I'm late!

It seems high time to post pictures of my fluff-butt. Fasten your seat belts and look for the closest-to-you emergency exit; here comes fluff!

Cute ever moving nose.

The skull is her friend. She often plays with Murray and he gets even more bunny kisses than we do!
The huge pine cone comes from France, we brought it for her.

Did I mention she likes legos? She is 5 years old, so she's allowed to play with it, right?

The double pillow is her new throne. The pillow gets kisses as well.

Did you have your cutesplosion? I did.

Monday, February 4, 2013

"Einen schönen hals hat Eure Frau..... Ich kaufe das haus, das schöne,öde haus dem Euren gegenüber...."

Sindemasen keine andere
Rettung fürhanden,
es sey denn daß ein
gar sündlos Weyb dem
Vampyre den ersten
Schrey des Hahnen
vergessen mache.
Sie gäbe ihm sonder Zwange ihr Blut.

Only a woman can
break his frightful spell -
a woman pure in heart -
who will offer her blood
freely to Nosferatu and
will keep the vampire by
her side until after the
cock has crowed.

Poster hanging on the church.

Saturday my boyfriend and I went to see Nosfaratu in the church in town. This movie dates 1922 so it is a silent movie with super cute effects. The carriage that brings Hütter (Harker) to the castle is supposed to move fast, and indeed, the recordings are just played faster there. The movie has no sound, so in the church there was live organ music composed for the movie.

The movie is the original Bram Stoker story of Dracula, but in German. Mina is called Ellen, Jonathan Harker is herr Hütter. There are frames of texts of important thing people say, of a book about vampires (how convenient!) and of newspaper articles about about the plague.

Newspaper about the Plague epidemic in Transylvania and the Carpathians. All the victims have small wounds in their neck, but doctors are puzzled what it has to do with the Black Death.

It was my first time in that church and I was surprised by the floor covered in tomb stones. They were dating back to the 16th and 17th century. Some of them were really pretty and heavily decorated, but all of them were eroded due to all the footsteps on them throughout the centuries.

Tomb stones in de Aa-kerk (Aa-church) in Groningen.


Something very different.

Last week me brother was here and we went buying this lovely cutie table to put in the hall. I think it totally matches awesomely with the medicine boxes that I bought recently. The frames are new too, to match the table. I am still trying which frames look best on it, since I also have others. Right now I also have a pink baroque-ish frame with a picture of my bunny there, together with one white frame.

ImageNew table in the hall of my house. Second hand.

In the white frame there is a label of a bottle of wine we drank at the house warming party a week ago. The label says "blood wine" and it has a sexy, scary looking nurse on it that is offering you some ambiguous red drink in a wine glass. There are two glasses, so supposedly she will also drink with you?

ImageBlood Wine. A label from a bottle we drank recently. it says "lovely wine with herb extract".